MYP Visual Arts: Da Vinci's Notebooks

Catherine Paleczny
SJK's Grades 9 and 10 Visual Art students were tasked with researching Leonardo Da Vinci's body of work to prepare for an assignment. This was no small feat given that Da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, designer, theorist, engineer and scientist.
Da Vinci was the founding father of what is called the High Renaissance style and exercised an enormous influence on contemporary and later artists. The standards he set in figure draughtsmanship, handling of space, depiction of light and shade, representation of landscape, evocation of character and techniques of narrative radically transformed the range of art.

Da Vinci's notebooks likely began as a way for him to improve the quality of his paintings. He studied anatomy to portray the human body accurately. He studied plants and rocks to make them authentic for his paintings. Somewhere along the way, his notebooks became a record of his life-long fascination with nature and his genius for invention. 

SJK's Grades 9 and 10 Visual Art students were given the assignment to create an enlarged notebook page investigating the human skeleton, inventions and text using any medium of choice. View some of the assignment video submissions: 


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